MTSman - I can fully empathise with your feelings as my wife and I experienced the same self-righteous attitudes while we were still in and not woken up yet. However, since fading and researching & comparing WTBTS dogma with what the Bible really teaches, I don't feel anything but sadness for JW's who disdain those who don't conform with what their cult spouts. No JW (not even TPT of the GB) will ever make me feel slighted. I'm better than than them, because I've escaped - they're still in chains.
Undeniable fact: J.W.'s - whether elders or publishers - will very quickly terminate any Bible discussions which highlight an org falsehood. The J.W. cult-mentality dictates that their listening/reasoning abilities switch off if they hear any such Bible proofs. Grow in stature when confronted by such mental pygmies.